Calculated Value of Your Paper Savings Bond(s)


Calculator Results for Redemption Date 10/2024

Total Price Total Value Total Interest YTD Interest
$962.50 $2,138.56 $1,176.06 $65.97

Bonds: 1-22 of 22

Serial # Series Denom Issue Date Next Accrual Final Maturity Issue Price Interest Interest Rate Value Note
D58710367EE EE $500 06/2002 11/2024 06/2032 $250.00 $305.00 3.81% $555.00  
R140252921EE EE $200 04/1997 04/2025 04/2027 $100.00 $136.48 3.60% $236.48  
C596641915EE EE $100 02/1997 02/2025 02/2027 $50.00 $68.24 3.60% $118.24  
C630299711EE EE $100 12/1997 11/2024 12/2027 $50.00 $69.44 3.81% $119.44  
C767507774EE EE $100 12/2002 11/2024 12/2032 $50.00 $59.68 3.81% $109.68  
K102993357EE EE $75 11/1997 11/2024 11/2027 $37.50 $52.38 3.81% $89.88  
C599178174EE EE $100 05/1997 11/2024 05/2027 $50.00 $70.60 3.81% $120.60  
L583656585EE EE $50 01/2000 11/2024 01/2030 $25.00 $32.84 3.81% $57.84  
L583268073EE EE $50 12/1999 11/2024 12/2029 $25.00 $33.02 3.81% $58.02  
L592595121EE EE $50 12/2000 11/2024 12/2030 $25.00 $32.24 3.81% $57.24  
L637158497EE EE $50 11/2006 11/2024 11/2036 $25.00 $22.38 3.60% $47.38  
L592923696EE EE $50 12/2000 11/2024 12/2030 $25.00 $32.24 3.81% $57.24  
L609211611EE EE $50 12/2004 11/2024 12/2034 $25.00 $12.82 3.81% $37.82  
L583351406EE EE $50 12/1999 11/2024 12/2029 $25.00 $33.02 3.81% $58.02  
L555560659EE EE $50 05/1997 11/2024 05/2027 $25.00 $35.30 3.81% $60.30  
L562909744EE EE $50 12/1997 11/2024 12/2027 $25.00 $34.72 3.81% $59.72  
L620294062EE EE $50 12/2001 11/2024 12/2031 $25.00 $31.18 3.81% $56.18  
L562909743EE EE $50 12/1997 11/2024 12/2027 $25.00 $34.72 3.81% $59.72  
L613639188EE EE $50 11/2005 11/2024 11/2035 $25.00 $20.56 3.20% $45.56  
L613639189EE EE $50 11/2005 11/2024 11/2035 $25.00 $20.56 3.20% $45.56  
L637158499EE EE $50 11/2006 11/2024 11/2036 $25.00 $22.38 3.60% $47.38  
L643572401EE EE $50 12/2007 11/2024 12/2037 $25.00 $16.26 3.00% $41.26  
Totals for 22 Bonds $962.50 $1,176.06 $2,138.56
NI Not Issued
NE Not eligible for payment
P5 Includes 3 month interest penalty
MA Matured and not earning interest